Bees Mouth - August 2021

23rd Aug

Is summer’s cup starting to run dry? Maybe you’ve sat on the beach, maybe in Crete with your phone bravely switched off like that Mr Raab showing us all how to be the best idlers in the world, maybe you’ve chased Jon Snow down a fire escape shouting anti-vaxx slogans, maybe you’ve set fire to your own hair for Extinction Rebellion, maybe you’ve paid £8,000 for a week’s holiday let in bloody Cornwall… but now what? Why, time to hasten down to JAZZ NIGHT AT THE BEE’S MOUTH of course, where you can reconnect with the lambent glittering estival expanses that seem to spread before you like a land of dreams, and recover your zest for the finer things in life by basking in the golden radiance shining forth from those beacons of swinging creativity manifesting in this dimension as Luke “Mission Accomplished” Rattenbury (gtr) and Loz “Tora Bora” Thomas (drms) as they pour out another lavish cornucopia of hot licks and cool grooves, supported in some fashion by me on bass, as the ascended masters of the Bee’s team stand by with libations of the good stuff, the whey-faced denizens of the night shuffle past on the stained pavements outside, and the velvet darkness the streets is alive with the whisper of electric scooters and the constant tiny tintinnabulation of COVID apps…. special guests will doubtless swing by to do their thing, there will be music and laughter and those other things we thought might be gone for good, so don’’t be like poor puzzled Sir Kier stuck at home with the poster paints, grab your axe down off the shelf and come and join us, pump up the jams, cos you’ll find out if you do that.

9th Aug

What’s that you hear, knocking at your door? Is it the dread hand of fate? Is it the folk from Ipsos Mori enquiring why you’re still not impressed by Sir K? Is it the machine elves coming to claim you as their own? Be cool, fool, it’s just JAZZ NIGHT AT THE BEE’S MOUTH reaching out across the aetherial plane to remind you that it’s Monday again and that you should make like Alok “Eco Warrior” Sharma and fly, fly, fly down to Western Road where man like Luke “Modern Pentathalon” Rattenbury (gtr) and Loz “Artistic Swimming” Thomas (drms) will be atop their respective podia and going for gold with their all-conquering freestyle bop-to-blues-to-whatever medley, assisted by special guest Maestro Nigel Thomas on bass keeping the swing turned up to max…. You can bet your sweet life that the majestic sylphs, dryads and naiads of the Bee’s team will be there, vibrating gently in the scented shadows of the well-stocked bar, ready with healing libations to counter the constant susurrus of mixed messaging that’s been twisting your melon on the daily, so if the travail of keeping your sang-froid in a world where Piers has become the Corbyn with the biggest rallies is grinding you down, come and join us as we erect a bastion of hot licks and cool grooves against the coming tide… sitters in welcome except DaBaby
